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Accessories and Bags

Crystal blue :

Shireen's blues
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

I wanted to try making loops and try sewing on beads on my crochet fabric. So I drafted the look I wanted to put together something I feel Shireen can wear to work feeling chic and confident. Haha but after knowing what her attire was for work I thought she probably will wear this out on a dates instead. Her office is so casual and so unlike mine! But well, I'm glad the combination of the beaded (stud at the top) didn't make the whole thing too heavy for her ear loops. To add some contrast to the loops (one in blue the outter in white), I sew on a few more silver beads to add some more shine.


Petite Cherries :

W.L.'s cherries
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

I had tea with Weiling and knew she yearned for a pair of cherries. So I tried 3 or 4 times before I could get this piece right. Yes I'm one true perfectionist. First few attempts I used bronze wires for the cherry stalks but they looked really fake and stiff. Wasn't the look I wanted. I like my stuff to have a nice flow. So I changed to use thread instead to make chains and tada I got what I want. Next comes the leaves. First it's too big, then the colour was off. Goodness! I digged into my box of DMC cotton threads and finally found a matching green. And lastly I finished it with a shiny gold loop. Wow I think it looks really sweet.


crochet flowers :

crochet flowers
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

The annual flea market is coming! Decided to try make flower brooches to sell in my store. But I'm ashamed I didn't make enough to sell and got Aigner to supply me clothes to sell instead. What a joke! But well I did promote some of my stuff and got a deal from a fellow vendor doing porcelain crafts. The flowers here come in 3 different sizes. The bottom one I knited a cream coloured yarn and a brown one together. Now the latter is used for decoration in my room.


red petal earrings :

red petal earrings
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

Big sis asked for ruby red earrings. So I suggested making flowers cos that was my newest fetish. She was fine and supported my imaginations as usual. The beads I used were of 3 different shades of pink and had different textures. I really like playing with textures of beads and yarns, the results they produce once you get it right is just so pleasing to the eye. This is one piece I wanted to make for myself but I still haven't! Sigh I don't treat myself well enough. ;p


baby's booties :

baby booties
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

Rachel is attending a baby's full moon celebration to attend but didn't know what to get for the couple. So she came to me during lesson break for some help. Didn't think I was too ambitious to wanna knit a pair of booties, so I made the suggestion. Hurriedly, cos I'm just so excited to see the finished product, I dropped down at dhoby gaut after school and bought a yarn suitable for babies. This is important cos some yarn may irritate baby's sensitive skin. :) Then I hurried home, researched on the size of an average sized baby and isolated myself in my favourite corner to start on my new project. Since it's a baby girl, I added some peachy colour and decorated it with a white ribbon. Umm this should keep the baby warm while it's asleep.


Aigner's :

crochet beaded necklace
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

This took lots of patience and hardwork. Every crochet bead needs enough stuffing to make it stay in shape. Too little you'll get flat or out- of- shaped ugly beads. Too much you'll simply torturing yourself. I researched online and found that most people will insert in a round bead instead. Meaning they will do the crochet layer around the bead, following its curves. But I find that probably takes more time than stuffing in sponge! So I didn't bother doing that way. There were similar necklaces sold in a tiny shop in melbourne. Oh I can never forget that shop, near bourke street if I didn't remember wrongly. That was one of the best accessories shop I've ever been to, all directly imported from korea by the owner. Aigner loves the one with crochet beads so I gave her this surprise for her birthday. The beads can be moved and I made lace for her to tie a knot when she's putting it on. And so, she can decide her style for the day. Nice, I also love to make one for myself but thinking of the chore I need to face again, I need to reconsider...


tapestry slingbag :

tapestry slingbag
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

Wool yarn used.
Size..: 15x16 cm


tapestry handbag :

tapestry handbag
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

100% Wool yarn, ready-mixed colours
Size..: 30x25 cm


daisy days sling bag :

daisy days sling bag
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

100% wool yarn, chocolate brown
Size..= 15x16cm


Crochet & knitting was one of the tacit knowledge passed down from my mom and I am still on a journey to create new things and incorporate other handicraft techiniques in my work. Family, friends, music, Cable TV, baking, cooking, photography and my teddy bear are the inspiration for me to pursue the ideal in continuing my journey. And as you can see these are my favourite things.