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Accessories and Bags

red petal earrings :

red petal earrings
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

Big sis asked for ruby red earrings. So I suggested making flowers cos that was my newest fetish. She was fine and supported my imaginations as usual. The beads I used were of 3 different shades of pink and had different textures. I really like playing with textures of beads and yarns, the results they produce once you get it right is just so pleasing to the eye. This is one piece I wanted to make for myself but I still haven't! Sigh I don't treat myself well enough. ;p


Crochet & knitting was one of the tacit knowledge passed down from my mom and I am still on a journey to create new things and incorporate other handicraft techiniques in my work. Family, friends, music, Cable TV, baking, cooking, photography and my teddy bear are the inspiration for me to pursue the ideal in continuing my journey. And as you can see these are my favourite things.