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Accessories and Bags

crochet flowers :

crochet flowers
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

The annual flea market is coming! Decided to try make flower brooches to sell in my store. But I'm ashamed I didn't make enough to sell and got Aigner to supply me clothes to sell instead. What a joke! But well I did promote some of my stuff and got a deal from a fellow vendor doing porcelain crafts. The flowers here come in 3 different sizes. The bottom one I knited a cream coloured yarn and a brown one together. Now the latter is used for decoration in my room.


Crochet & knitting was one of the tacit knowledge passed down from my mom and I am still on a journey to create new things and incorporate other handicraft techiniques in my work. Family, friends, music, Cable TV, baking, cooking, photography and my teddy bear are the inspiration for me to pursue the ideal in continuing my journey. And as you can see these are my favourite things.